Property has long been considered a popular path to wealth creation for Australians.
It has the potential to generate capital growth (an increase in the value of your asset) as well as rental income.
There are also tax advantages associated with negative gearing.
However, when buying an investment property, it is wise to remember that you are making a business decision, and it's worth taking the time to plan.
"When buying an investment property, it is wise to remember that you are making a business decision."
Why do people invest?
Around 20% of Australians invest in property for:
● potential capital growth
● rental income
● tax benefits
They consider property one of the more solid, less volatile forms of investment because you can actually touch bricks and mortar.
They want to get ahead financially and don't want to be one of the 80% of Australians who rely on the aged pension when they retire.
When should I invest?
There is never one time fits all time to invest; instead, take into account the;
● Are you earning a steady and increasing income?
● What personal commitments do you have coming up that may affect your income?
● Is there debt you can still work on reducing or clearing?
● Is borrowing more going to stretch too much, and will you be able to make repayments?
Consider these points and make an appointment with us so we can discuss your personal situation in depth and make a plan to reach your financial goals.
In Summary
Call our office on (03) 8657 8664, and we will put together a structured loan proposal for purchasing your first investment property.
Also, we invite you to take advantage of our free resources and head to our website with loads of eBooks, blogs and information to enjoy!
Call us on
(03) 8657 8664
8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday
Public Holidays: Closed
Ezmeralda Finance Pty Ltd trading as Future Finance Group (Credit Representative Number: 478781) under BLSSA Pty Ltd (Australian Credit License Number: 391237)
Corporate Credit Representative – Ezmeralda Finance Pty Ltd – (ACN 606649334) Credit Representative Number 478781
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